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Hydraulic Torque & Tension

Speed matters.  Price is also critical.  What good is a cheap hydraulic torque wrench, when it takes much longer to get the job done? Get the fastest hydraulic torque wrenches available   3/4", 1", 1 1/2" and 2 1/2" drives.  Don't forget when it comes to hydraulic tensioners, price and quality are vital.  Additionally, torque mulitipliers are also available at a fraction of the price. 

Flange Speaders

Flange Boss offers you the largest selection of flange spreaders in the world.  Flange spreaders with mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic drives.  HIghest quality at the lowest price.  Compare and see for yourself.  

Flange Alignment Tools

Get the best for less.  Flange Boss  flange alignment tools are designed to align pipe flanges.  You can get flange alignment pins or tools.  In either case, the  most cost effective method of aligning flanges.  â€‹

Largest Spreader Selection

Highest Quality for Less 

     Get the Best for Less 

Hydraulic Torque Wrenches

Impact Sockets

Safety Wedge offers the most cost effective method to safely spreader flanges.  These tools are made from the highest quality materials to exacting standards by drop forge techniques.  They are fast, light weight...But most importantly they are the safest cost effective technique.

Flange Wedges

Hands free backup wrenches allow less man-hours, increased productivity and increased safety.  Affordable, fast and easy to use.    

This tool
Flow Boss Bleeder Cleaners

Patented Flow Boss bleeder cleaners/rod out tools protect personnel from hazardous process materials.  Available in Angle 90, Angle 60 or Straight Tools in a wide variety of end pipe connections and drill sizes for any situation.  

             Backup Wrenches
Prevents: Vapor Releases
contact us

With our manufacturing in Texas, we offer same day service to Gulf Coast Petrochemical Plants, while also offering next day service to the entire USA, and worldwide 3 day  service including:

Areas We Cover







Middle East




12407 N. Mopac Expwy Suite 250-469

Austin, Texas 78758 USA

Phone 1 512 238 0962

Fax 1 512 238 0961

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